Monday, September 17, 2012

Alex surprised us this evening!

I know my blogging habits are terrible.  It's been almost a year, yet again, since I've posted.  Alex will be 5 in less than a week, Anna is 3 1/2, Natalie is 21 months, and baby #4 should arrive in approximately 2 months!  Life doesn't slow down here in the Enns' home.  We're busy enjoying: running our own business, going to different parks in the area, riding bikes (Anna rides now), Bible study just picked up again for the fall, MOPS just started, homeschooling, play-dates, and much, much more.

Tonight we made our weekly run to Costco, and after, as we sat in the van waiting for our gas to fill up, Alex said something like, "That Stop Sign has an "S" and a "T" and an "O" and a "P"!  We praised him, and then I asked him to sound out the letters to see what it says... and... he read the word "stop"!!  Nate and I were both so proud of our Big Alex:).  He really wasn't interested in learning his letters until recently, but now that he's interested, he's learning so fast!