Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Birthday, Auntie Katie R!

Last weekend we made a quick trip down south to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday! I was singing in Ripon on Saturday, so we left straight from there at 4:30pm... Arrived at Chris and Katie's apartment in Riverside at 11:15pm! Sunday morning we got up bright and early to celebrate Katie's birthday at DISNEYLAND!!! We drove through McDonald's for breakfast on the way there, and we were off! Stopped at the front entrance to get a nice family photo before the day got crazy and we'd forget!
Already enjoying Disneyland, before we even entered the park!
Not quite sure what Nate and Chris were looking at? :)
My little banana Anna... waiting for Auntie Stine to get us in FREE:)!
This one is a little blurry, but it's Alex and Daddy entering the waters of Pirates of the Caribbean for the first of 2 times today!
Unfortunately, partway through the morning Alex started complaining that his tummy was hurting... and just after we got off of Autopia, he asked me to pick him up... and all of a sudden... he threw up! (Thankfully I must have felt it coming and turned him out- away from me!) Thankfully, also, Alex is potty-trained but I still carry around extra clothes, just in case!
We weren't quite sure what to think of it... He seemed fine otherwise. The one thing we thought of was that Alex had been holding Nate's coffee mug in the car on the way there, and at some point we realized that he had actually been drinking some! (That was on an empty stomach too.)
So we decided to wait it out and see how he did.
After lunch, while Chris, Katie, and Nate went on Splash Mountain, I took Alex and Anna to see some Characters.
Alex was ready to give hugs; Anna was not!
Tigger and Alex:)
Tigger trying to give Anna "5".
Then... we all got in line for Winnie the Pooh... and while in line... Alex asked me to pick him up again... and yup... you guessed it... He threw up again!!! Once again, I was so thankful that I did not get it on me! Unfortunately, it got all over Alex's blanket! With him not feeling well, we definitely needed him to have something to snuggle with. So... I went looking for a blanket! I found one, but it was a big one for $35! No, we weren't willing to spend that much... but I found a tigger doll for $12, so we brought Alex into the store to see if he liked it... He LOVED it! So we laid him down in the stroller and got him snuggled in with tigger. It wasn't long before he was sleeping. Off we went to California Adventure!
Here is a pic of Anna peaking in on brother (after she stole tigger:)... thankfully he was out!

Daddy and Anna

Auntie Katie and Anna... look at those beautiful smiles!
And that's all I got as far as pictures at Disneyland! I wish I had more, but I just totally forgot about the camera! What you need to know is that: Alex woke up a happy camper, didn't throw up anymore, enjoyed Monster's Inc. twice, Buzz again, Pirates again, some fireworks, and Peter Pan! We all actually had a WONDERFUL day! It was so relaxed and fun! And best of all, it was with Uncle Chris and Auntie Katie! And we even ended up getting to be with Auntie Christine when she got off work in the evening!
The next day we all slept-in until 10:30 or something! Chris and Katie made an awesome breakfast! I felt so pampered!!! I got to just lay around while they slaved in the kitchen! It was soooo yummy too!
After breakfast, Uncle Chris had to head to school for a group project, so we said our goodbyes to him. Then the rest of us got suited up for the swimming pool! Chris and Katie have a beautiful pool, that they actually had never been in!
After swimming we got cleaned up, packed up, and said our very sad good-byes to Auntie Katie. It was a very special trip. Happy Birthday, Auntie Katie! We love you!