Saturday, March 27, 2010

Praising God for life!

Last Friday evening we had a very unexpected event...

We had gone over to our friends (the Millen's) house in Castro Valley for dinner and visiting. It was a great evening, and we were having such a great time, that it was just before 10pm when the kids were still awake and Anna took a fall. I was sitting on the couch holding baby Johnny and Anna was next to me. All of a sudden I saw Anna falling off the couch, face-first, and she hit the ground with a loud thud! It was carpet flooring, but the thud was loud enough that I knew it was going to be bad. Anna cried instantly. I handed little Johnny off and quickly swooped down to pick up my precious Anna. As I held her in my arms she gasped and gasped and gasped (and I cried "breath, Anna, breath!"), and finally let out a loud cry. But not long after, she arched back, her eyes rolled back, her face became stiff and she seemed to me like she was dying!! I panicked. I called to her and she was not responding, so then called to Nate "help!". Nate got up, ran over, and took her from my arms. Carolyn ran into the other room to get the phone and asked if she should call 911, and I answered "yes!". It seemed like an eternity, but in all actuality, it was probably 10 or 15 seconds. Neither Nate nor I had ever seen a seizure, but Carolyn had seen many and told us that's what had happened.

Then she came back to. Oh I was so relieved! I thought we were loosing our little girl! Then we began debating... should we call back and cancel the paramedic and just drive her to the hospital on our own? But they were already there, and they wanted to take a look at her. Upon hearing our story, they decided that she should be taken to Children's Hospital. They stripped her down to her diaper only and strapped her to a flat board for kids. That was hard to watch because, of course, she cried. At this point I was very unsettled and scared for my baby. I'm so thankful it happened where it did though. Carolyn was so great through it all. As the paramedics were checking Anna out, she prayed with me. She hugged me when she could tell I was so worried, and she offered to help with every detail. Alex spent the night there with them, and Jim drove Nate to the hospital because only one of us could ride with Anna in the Ambulance.

I wasn't able to ride in the back with Anna, but at least I was in the same vehicle and knew that she was breathing the whole ride there. That 20 minute ride felt so long, and most of the time I prayed and prayed. When we arrived at the hospital I got out and went to see Anna. As soon as she saw me she reached out her little hand through the blanket and I grabbed her hand in mine. I could tell she was comforted to see me, and anytime I had to let go she cried. That was a sweet time for me.

Once we got into a room and off the stretcher and into my arms she was much happier. Then we did a lot of waiting and a lot of talking to tons of different doctors. Each person wanted to hear the details of the event clearly. And finally Nate was let in! The big question was whether or not they would do a CT Scan. The short of it is that they ended up doing a scan and Anna did beautifully. Nate and I touched her and sang her to sleep during the scan so that they did not have to sedate her. Praise the Lord!

About 2:30AM, a doctor came into the room and asked if we'd like to go home! The CT Scan came back normal! Praise the Lord! So we were able to get her back into her pj's and head home. Nate's mom picked us up and with it being so late and Alex asleep at the Millen's we decided to stay the night and Nate's parents' house. We found out in the morning that Alex did great and even wanted to pray for Anna. That will make your heart melt!

So, a week has gone by and our little Anna is alive and healthy! We are so thankful for God's provision. It was a good reminder that life is short and we must live every moment purposefully. It was also a good reminder that God is absolutely in control of everything! He orchestrated it all and had a good purpose for His own glory. I've already come away from that event having learned a few things, and I'm so thankful that God has helped me learn to trust Him more.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another News Flash!!

Today, just before her afternoon nap, Anna took 6 steps to me! Then she did it again! Then she took 12 as I kept walking further and further away from her:). Yahoo! Go Anna! (Here is a little clip... sorry it is distorted a bit and hard to watch.)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

News Flash!

Anna stood up on her own today! I actually thought she would have done this much sooner, but I guess with people and things to pull up on, she hadn't felt the need to try before! It won't be long before she's off and walking without help!

February 19th

Just an ordinary day at the Enns' house... Out for a walk in the cool February air...

Snacks are always welcome:)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

Our Valentine's Day celebration this year was (Saturday Feb 13th) a trip to Monterey with Heidi and Vijay, AND NO KIDS! :) It was actually our Christmas gift from Heidi and Vijay, so they treated us!
Our first stop was in Scotts Valley to visit Uncle Elwin and Aunt Vonnie. Our second stop was brunch!

Then we walked down to the boardwalk and enjoyed the sites.
From there we were going to take the 17 mile drive, but unfortunately it was closed to the public due to the golf tournament! So...
Third stop- Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. It was gorgeous! Absolutely AMAZING!

The waves were HUGE! The pictures don't do it justice. It was truly amazing.

Our forth stop was Carmel. We walked around town, got some treats and headed down to the beach. Unfortunately, the beach was closed! We had even brought wood to build a fire. :(
So we found a nice bench that overlooked the beach.

Cheers! Happy Valentine's day!

My 30th...

So I turned 30 this year! (Yes, me, Amy.) I was really dreading it, but, now that I've been 30 for a month I've realized that it's not that bad! It's GREAT, in fact! As for celebrations, Nate did a fantastic job of surprising me with a party- I had NO idea. And then the next day after Anna's party, Nate watched the kiddos so Adawna and I could go out for some "girl" fun. (BTW: Adawna flew down from WA to visit me!) We grabbed some Taco Bell cause we were starving! (We got so busy putting Anna's party together, we forgot to eat lunch.) Then we went to the mall, looked in a few stores, and then headed to the Nail Salon:). We both got spa pedicures- ah, it was so nice! (I hadn't had one in over a year!) It was so nice to be out just us girls. After pedicures, we sported our disposable flip flops through target to get some milk and diet coke. Then it was off to the casa. We forgot to take pictures while we were out, but Nate got one before we left and then took a couple after... These are the AWESOME flip flops...

Thanks for coming, Adawna! I miss you already!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Anna Turned ONE!

It's a bit late...

But our little Sweet Cheeks, Anna, turned ONE on January 31st! It's hard to believe a whole year has already come and gone. Here are some pictures from her birthday celebration...

Cake time...

Grandma Enns reading to Anna and Jonathan after the festivities.

Our 1 year old:
Anna is a special gift from God. She... is very active (always opening my cupboards and pulling my towels down:), crawls all over, walks with help (and just a couple of days ago she took 2 steps without holding on!), smiles easily, dances to music and tries to sing along, claps her hands, waves, loves to play with big brother, loves food:), and she says a few words: Uh-oh, mama, dada, hi, bye, wf wf (doggy), dank-ou (thank you), peez (please), and she signs "more" and "all-done", and she's recently started trying to copy words we say. We love you, Anna Christine Enns.